
A Guide to Selling Accessories in a Changing Market – Part 2

In this video – the second in VoiceComm’s “A Guide to Selling Accessories in a Changing Market” series – Senior Account Executive, Jeff Summerfeld discloses essential techniques and insight to making a sale. Whether you’re a seasoned pro salesperson or just starting out, this video is a must-watch! Watch for the third video in this series soon! Best if viewed in 1080p. Going to CTIA this year? Visit our page ( to learn more or request a meeting with VoiceComm during the show to help improve your accessory business.


A Guide to Selling Accessories in a Changing Market – Part 1

In this video – the first in VoiceComm’s “A Guide to Selling Accessories in a Changing Market” series – Senior Account Executive, Jeff Summerfeld sets the stage for all the great information to come! However, this video is more than a simple introduction; watch as Mr. Summerfeld peppers strategy and insight into his energetic and easy to follow delivery!


Prevention is the New Protection

In our industry it’s hard to fathom consumers without reasonably current smartphone technology in their pockets. The reality is, some still use older obsolete smartphones while others have clung to their so-called “simple” phones. In fact, in certain cultural subsets, such as the much maligned “hipster” group, simple phones are making a comeback. Nothing is cooler than irony and obsolescence, we presume. CNET took notice of these holdouts and offered a playful, yet useful piece entitled 10 Signs It’s Time to get a New Phone. While certain issues are unavoidable as a phone ages, such as the degradation of battery life and audio ports, other issues they highlight such as a shattered, yet marginally functional screen are. So, when this sort of consumer walks through your doorway don’t simply preach protection; emphasize prevention.

Cell Phone Accessory Ideas

The One Question You Should Be Asking

Are we there yet?
Will you marry me?
Where’s the bathroom?
Do you want fries with that?

There are some important questions we ask in life, and there are some that are wholly inconsequential. Most people seem to be inquisitive by nature, and in most situations that tends to be a positive trait. When it comes to selling mobile accessories, a certain level of inquisitiveness goes a long way. But what to ask? Well, besides “But what to ask?” when attempting to increase your attach rate? The answer may seem obvious to you, but to our surprise, not everyone asks this most essential question to their customers: