
Prevention is the New Protection

In our industry it’s hard to fathom consumers without reasonably current smartphone technology in their pockets. The reality is, some still use older obsolete smartphones while others have clung to their so-called “simple” phones. In fact, in certain cultural subsets, such as the much maligned “hipster” group, simple phones are making a comeback. Nothing is cooler than irony and obsolescence, we presume. CNET took notice of these holdouts and offered a playful, yet useful piece entitled 10 Signs It’s Time to get a New Phone. While certain issues are unavoidable as a phone ages, such as the degradation of battery life and audio ports, other issues they highlight such as a shattered, yet marginally functional screen are. So, when this sort of consumer walks through your doorway don’t simply preach protection; emphasize prevention.


Introducing Gadget Guide from Gadget Guard

It’s no secret that screen protection is popular with consumers. If you view our top sellers you will see screen protection takes the top seven spots on the list (as of this writing), and that isn’t likely to change any time soon. The explosive popularly of the category makes sense when you consider cracked or broken screens are a common issue no matter how tough handset manufacturers attempt to fortify them. But like most solutions, they will sometimes come with issues of their own. For instance, a rugged case will do an excellent job of protecting its precious contents, but the added bulk has turned some consumers off. When it comes to screen protection, the biggest issue lies in the perfect application of the product, which tends to be fouled up by imperfect beings. While there are applicators for certain types of screen protection, tempered glass has largely been left out– until now!

In-Store Experience

Training Put to Work

In previous blogs we introduced the concept of training (Get on the Right Track with Training) and provided tips detailing how to train your colleagues/employees (Training Day). In this blog we will take it one step further and explore real-world training scenarios from VoiceComm. Sandy Ardery, Director of Strategic Planning, VoiceComm, was kind enough to share her insight into the programs she has successfully conceptualized and implemented.

In-Store Experience

Training Day

Voicecomm Blog - The In-store Experience: How to Train Your Employess

In our last blog, Get on the Right Track with Training, we wrote about the importance and impact a smart training regimen will undoubtedly have on you, your colleagues/employees, and your business. If you’re struggling to create a training regimen from scratch or desire tips to improve what you already have, this is the blog you’ve been waiting for. There’s no one size fits all strategy or supporting tactics to achieve your goals, but we urge you to test out the ideas we’re proposing to see what works and what doesn’t.